In previous years I have grown purple Morning Glory climbers, but this year (2024) I grew the beautiful light blue ones which have lasted for months.
As a consequence I had to make a painting

Paintings and Drawings by Sue Halloway
In previous years I have grown purple Morning Glory climbers, but this year (2024) I grew the beautiful light blue ones which have lasted for months.
As a consequence I had to make a painting
In April 2024 I visited Riga with the purpose of seeing the Art Nouveau buidings. I was amazed to discover not only the variety of styles which came under the umbrella classification of Art Nouveau, and also to discover that the originator of the idea in Latvia was a Russian engineer, Michael Eisenstein, the father of the filmmaker, Sergei. This painting is of the top of a building in the remarkable city
I have seen this tree from my bedroom window since 1980 when we first moved to our house. I only made the decision to paint it in 2023 and sitiing in the field admiring its glory was a really uplifting experience.
This painting bas begun in 2023, but as the cow parsley season is quite short I wasn’t able to complete it in time so have had to wait until this May for completion…how lovely the masses of plants are when together.
The following four paintings are based on photographs taken in Budleigh Salterton on the day following the Coronation, when the main High Street was closed and some of the locals held an afternoon of feasting and jollity, which culminated in the mayor making a speech, followed by general toasting of the new King.
Who doesn’t love a sunset? Admittedly this was from a photograph, but I just loved the way that the trees were silhouetted against this wonderful colour range.
As the land rises behind our garden I noticed one cold morning how the shadows of the trees surrounding the field were blue on the frosty grass and also how the frost had touched the tops of the winter trees. I took a photograph before the sun changed the landscape, and this is the result.
Every morning, for about the past year, a fox trots past our bedroom window at 6.20 in the morning.
I am an early riser and I see it as I drink my early morning tea; what is amazing is that even when the clocks changed, it continued its walk up and down, inspecting the hedgerow at the same time.
In order to paint this I had to draw from a stuffed fox from the amazing collection held by Hampshire Museum’s Service. This was lovely to see the texture of the fur and the variety of colours in the coat.
Every year I promise myself that I will paint the snowdrops in my Voila!
This large painting has taken several months to finish.
The Oxford Botanic Garden contains a wonderful glasshouse with large leaved waterlilies; the reflections on the water of the complex roof mean that when looking at the plants you are made aware of the abstract elements which link with the figurative plants.
This year the peonies were spectacular.
The cold weather was something of a disincentive to sit outside painting, but they were so beautiful, it was worth it.
This is the second painting of Kieran.
His subject matter tends to be a mixture of mythological and the exotic.
At first glance it is somewhat difficult to recognise that this is the back of a head.
As snakes feature in his choices, I have included some snake skins from my collection in the background.
Following on from my paintings of Eric, I met Kieran, who works at a local barbers.
He also has tattoos all over his shaven head.
There are two paintings of him
This sunset image is based on the lily pond at Knightshayes in Devon, which has a magnificent garden.
The 2021 abundance of rain produced a marvellous crop of Spencer scented sweet peas.
from the series of sunflower images, this sunflower had a huge and lovely head…worthy of visual capture.
A marvellous growing period in 2021 due to all the rain produced a glorious crop of flowers against a green shed.
The final Eric painting.
This is the second of the Eric series.
This is the first of a series of three paintings of Eric, our dustman.
An initiative related to the Covid virus has been taking place in our village. This encourages local people to nominate their local heroes and to produce a picture of them in any form. This has led to lots of people making a contribution.
I have chosen to foreground people working in local shops, specifically Swanmore Stores and Hylands, greengrocers in Bishops Waltham. These wonderful people have kept going throughout and have really helped me and also my husband who has been shielded since March 2020.
This car is in a garden close to Hatton Cross tube station.The locale consists of 30s house, not very inspiring, so I ” demolished” them and painted a neglected orchard which is in our village instead.
On the outskirts of our village there was a stucco covered bungalow. A conversation with my doctor many years ago elicited the information that this was actually a railway carriage inside, and Mr Livermore, the father of one of our cricket acquaintances, lived there. He died a few years ago and the site was abandoned, but at the end of 2020 I noticed that a metal fence had been erected around it, and the stucco removed, revealing not one but two railway carriages, one behind the other.
I had to work from photographs, as the site was inaccessible. This painting is of one of the carriages; it is possibel to glimpse the fridge through the door, and the original Smoking sign on one of the carriage windows.
Having grown many magnificent sunflowers this year, I decided, rather late in the season to record them.
I have saved seed from other blooms so that I can repeat the process next year.
This painting was a commission resulting from a friend having seen the pink bike painting. The commission was of a bike which her daighter and husband ride in the woodland between Bristol and the welsh border.
I painted this subject last year, from seeds for these nasturtiums given to me, and the resultant flowers were so lovely that I saved the seed and planted them again this year.
This version is much larger, so the flowers are three times actual size and therefore more dynamic.
This is a painting of our gardeners’ dog, Marley, who died last February.
He was so loved by Mike, his owner.
I don’t usually paint dogs, but I enjoyed doing this.
This year, 2020, Southampton City Art Gallery proposed an open exhibition entitled In Search of a New World.
This is a commemoration of the Pilgrim Father’s ” discovery” of the USA.
My painting ( one of two) combines a reference to one of the two ships which set sail combined with a map of the landing site and an image of the replica of the Mayflower.
The tribe which was living in the vicinity of the landing site used specific designs form their textiles. I have used the design to flank the ship image.
This year, 2020, Southampton City Art Gallery proposed an open exhibition entitled In Search of a New World.
This is a commemoration of the Pilgrim Father’s ” discovery” of the USA.
My painting ( one of two) combines a reference to one of the two ships which set sail combined with a map of the landing site and an image of a boat of the period;
( it was not possible to find a good image of the actual Speedwell.)
This painting is a response to a photograph which I took when we were in Vietnam.
We were taken to Nimh Binh to see the paddy fields and the wonderful odd shaped mountains. This girly coloured bike, which obviously belonged to one of the many people working in the fields, caught my attention.
Early in the lockdown the first spring flowers came out.
I had been having pottery lessons in the Autumn and this small dark blue gleaze pot was one of the smaller results, just right for short stemmed flowers.
Further to the lockdown paintings in the garden, from our patio table we had a view with a variety of tulips in the forgeground to the trees in the distance.
To a certain extent this painting is quite saccharine in content…but the flowers are lovely anyway.
During the 2020 lockdown I have been able to appreciate my garden as never before.
These parrot tulips were just at their best and I painted them all in one day.
This tractor, circa 1960, is on my friend’s farm in Kent.
The father of the farmer never threw anything away, he just abandoned things…and this is one of the things he abandoned.
As such it fitsnin with my love of abandoned vehicle.
This van was burnt out one night in 2019 , possibly by a rival.
It was parked behind a Georgian building which was damaged in the fire.
As happens, the fire produced wonderful colours and textures in the van itself and also on the wall behind it.
An unexpected consequence of the fire was the the rendering on the buildimg was taken away, revealing an older building underneath.,
This is the final Dresden demolition drawing. It is much more abstract than the preceding two.
It could be any building anywhere, but it reminds me of the noise and smell I encountered of decades of a structure which is coming to the end.
This small painting was made because I was entranced by the vibrant colour of these flowers and the way that the stems formed a pattern.
This is the first of a series of drawings made from photographs taken in Dresden in Spring 2019. This communist era building was being gradually and slowly demolished, revealing all its innards. This contrasts with the buildings growing up around London glimpsed from the train, whereby the internal lift shaft is the first element to be seen, gradually replaced by more decorative elements.
Having spent time in Dresden in the Spring of 2019 I was able daily to document through photographs the demolition of a very solidly built Communist era building.
This drawing is one of a series which show stages of the demolition. It links with the broken down vehicles and derelict buildings which I have been recording over the years. The reason for all of these images stems from seeing Buddhist prayer flags in the Himalayas, which flap in the wind until they decay. I like the idea of objects having a finite life in a variety of ways.
A local house has these wonderful gnarled trees, which twine together. They have ivy and lichen on the branches and trunk and in April are full of blossom.
This collagraph is a version of a painting which I made of a lesser spotted woodpecker.
This painting …4ft x 4ft has been carried out over two years. I had to wait for the season to come round again to complete the background and the bluebells.
Bere Forest , in Hampshire is a wonderful piece of ancient woodland and every year the bluebells are a delight to all the senses.
This year ( 1919) a retrospective exhibition of the work of Elizabeth Blackadder was showing in Winchester.
Among her paintings were two of a Japanese jacket. I don’t own a Japanese jacket, but I do own two Chinese ones. here is my favourite, painted lying over part of a traditional opera garment.
Staying in Cagliari at the Hotel Flora in the Summer of 2018 we discovered that the owner had a wonderful collection of vases on display in the dining room.
We both made small paintings in our sketchbooks, and this more substantial painting comes from the studies.
This painting comes from a drawing made in 2018 in Sardinia on a very hot afternoon. Sitting in the shade outside this church I thought the shadows on the yellow wall and the baroque arch were great to draw.
This mixed media print ( collagraph and lino cut ) is a way into making use of the many plant drawings made over the years.
This gouache painting is based on a shelf of sample flowers from a walled garden in Shropshire.
This lino cut is based on a painting which I made showing how a bud matures from tightly furled to fully resolved.
The painting is a lot softer than this graphic image.
In the Summer of 2018, the heat during the day was so great that in order to paint these lovely plants growing in my garden I had to get up at 5.00 a.m. and worked until 9.00 a.m after which the temperature was too much for painting.
Serendipity ensured that these plans grew so well together.
Every year I grow lilies in my garden. This year I grew some very large ones which reached over five feet tall, due to the 2018 hot Summer. As it was too hot to paint after 9.00 a.m, I had to get up at 5.00 a.m to be able to carry out this painting.
One of my interests is the way in which nature takes back man made objects; in this instance, the police took it away.
This is one of a series of three small linked paintings which reflect the habitual dumping of vehicles in the countryside.
This particular transit van had been totally burnt out and only the internal structure was visible. The shattered windows showed the lush vegetation outside and the metal had changed colour to the most beautiful tans, blues and greys.
This mangle, originally a mottled blue, was found in an old shed when we moved to this house nearly forty years ago.
Our house originally had a communal wash house at the back of the terrace, so it may well date from that period.
It has subsequently been painted red and black, mostly to draw attention to the peace sign cast into the side panels.
Over the years , standing in all weathers, the wooden rollers have begun to deteriorate. Sadly there seems not to be a “spare parts for rollers” available so their demise will continue.
These two chairs were sitting under trees in gentle sunlight at Berrington Hall in Shropshire. The shadows cast on the pink fabric were so atmospheric, and the proximity of the chairs indicated a missing human presence.
Planted in 2017 it has been a long wait to see the glorious results which complement the green of the shed .
This year ( 2018) was spectacular and these small cattle seen through the branches with the May as background were irresistable.
One of a series of self portraits over the years, this shows the ageing process…the mirror is more interesting.
Forty plus years divide this portrait and her previous one. In this instance I am trying to show different aspects of her life. She is a remarkable gardener but also she loves to dance, so I have shown her in one of her vibrantly coloured dance dresses with her sparkly dance shoes
These magnificent architectural plants grow by one of the tributaries of the River Test which runs through the glorious gardens of The Island, Greatbridge near Romsey, Hampshire
This bronze clasp which was intended to fasten two pieces of material, is very subtly patterned with minute dots on the metal surface. As before , the objects are so wonderful to hold and marvel at.
This 2017 painting is a follow on from the many garden paintings completed over the past few years. I realised that I had not included distance in any of the previous paintings; they all relied on the picture plane, so this is an attempt to show distance as well as the wonderful June flowers in the garden, combined with our recently painted table and chairs
This tiny figurine, no larger than 2″ high leads to wondering why the figure was made in the first place. Was it a toy, or did it have more mystical significance?
The back view shows minute buttocks…there is a painting of the back view as well, not shown on this site.
This tiny lid retains the fragments of red and yellow enamel. Once again, it is wonderful to see the dexterity of the jewellers working in the period.
A further exploration of the Discovery Collection at Fishbourne Roman Palace led to this small fragment, with gold running through it. As ever, the packaging forms and integral part of the image.
This is the reverse of the tiny coin from the reign of King Tincommius, whose name, shortened to Tinc is clearly visible.
In common with other artefacts which I have been privileged to work from at the Discovery Centre at Fishbourne, I have included the packaging which comes with them, much dating from when the coin was first excavated.
This tiny coin, no larger than my smallest fingernail is from the reign of the Saxon King Tincommius, and dates from 15BC
This tree , heavily carved with romantic tributes, some of which the tree was taking back to itself was in the Botanical Gardens at the Paseo del Prado in Madrid.
I made a drawing of it there, and the painting, helped by a photograph has come later.
In the Autumn, the strong winds blow down twigs which are covered with these tendril covered lichens.
Blackberry bushes line the walkway through Marsh’s Fields and are site for an annual pilgrimage of blackberry pickers for some weeks. I have chosen to show the three stages of the berry, from flower, through the green berry to the fully ripe .
While watching the Rio Olympics, a crash against the window was the result of this lovely young thrush with glorious soft plumage and beautiful markings coming to a needless end.
This robin was one of the 2016 brood which did not make it.
These are the 2016 lilies in the garden, which link to those painted from previous years. The short window of opportunity between bud, blossom and the dropping of petals is about one week, so there was little room for contemplation, just painting.
This rather romantic view of my neighbours’ cast iron chairs and table is a contrast with the overgrown field which has started to dominate the landscape .
This is a painting carried out over several weeks as the sticky bud developed into the final flower
During the winter, our delivery of logs for the fire developed these wonderful decorations.
Inspired by the paintings of Ambrosius Boschaert and other 17th c Dutch cabinet painters, I decided to make the most of the tulips in my garden and to combine them into a fantasy painting in the manner of the Dutch.
From the Autumn garden, these two red berried plants are so dominant and beautiful.
This is the second of the pair, Ed and Seb…the younger brother is shown with his favourite chicken.
This is one of a pair of portraits of brothers, Ed and Seb. Ed is shown with his favourite guinea pig and Mirror dinghies.
This is one of a thirteen part series of paintings which addressed the debate about genetic engineering which was in the public arena around 1998-2000. Flava sava is a painting of the variety of tomato which was crossbred with coldwater fish in order to prolong shelf life. In the series images from the debate are juxtaposed with images from the tarot, making the point that much of this manipulation was connected with fate.
This is one of a series of paintings dealing with the public debate on genetically modified foods, linked here with images of the tarot, and thereby, fate.
This is one of a thirteen part series of paintings which addressed the debate about genetic engineering which was in the public arena around 1998-2000. In the series images from the debate are juxtaposed with images from the tarot, making the point that much of this manipulation was connected with fate.
This is one of a thirteen part series of paintings which addressed the debate about genetic engineering which was in the public arena around 1998-2000. In the series images from the debate are juxtaposed with images from the tarot, making the point that much of this manipulation was connected with fate. At this time, Sainsbury’s was sympathetic to genetically modified foods, but public opinion prevailed.
Another of the series on antiquity, this image is one which we believe has stayed the same.
This painting was produced as a response to the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. I chose a rather whimsical approach, rather than a look at the notion of the shocking nature of the accident. The images are of shoes from the period sinking through the water.
For the 2010 Catalyst exhibition at the King’s Theatre, Southsea, the theme, Hidden Drama, dealt with the idea of the virus. This, one of two paintings, invoked the response of women in the fight against illness.
These fragments of burnished Samian ware show the complexity of ceramics in England during the Roman occupation.
This Roman glass is a tiny but intensely coloured fragment with gold running through it. The experience of handling this ancient remain linked me to a past which I can only begin to imagine.
In Spring 2008, I spent time at Fishbourne Roman Palace where I was given permission to work from objects in the sensitive store and the bulk store.
This is part 2 of the same series. The eggs were painted from the collection at the Hampshire Museums service.
This is part 1 of a series which deals with the manner in which the cuckoo mimics other birds. It forms part of the Catalyst 2014 exhibition: Tickling the Senses.
The cuckoo also imitates the flight and breast feathers of the Sparrowhawk, here shown.
This series of hand coloured lino prints are, in sequence, a cuckoo’s wing (correct colour), a camouflaged wing and a wing in U.S. prison attire, reflecting the cuckoo’s criminal tendencies.